This Is Where A Pens Worth Will Be Determined

Archive for November, 2020

“Stumble into The storm”

Uncertainty bares a difficult image to place to paper,

Transparent as a description of present mind speaks softly to those who walk with their voice towards to sky.

Roar behind your minds eye and dream of a reality that’s molded by your hands but stifle with what material lies before you.

Smog and fantasia this planes distractions burden wings till they lack the strength to escape.

A sand pit for the soul reeks a bland domain for myself and now for you.

Odd, to quiver despite standing with a companion for the hold that prison creates breeds doubt in the most relentless of souls.

Odyssey that is self manufactured is tiresome but why then do we revert to the most self-destructive of places?

The dread becomes casting this stone of inquiry into the sea of unanswered questions. Beckoning a soul to yours to unearth the truths of it all.

And when they arrive to you, unprepared and unexpected as that unseen hand does guide. Walk strong & hold them closely let the storm not shake your pride.